Aides, concours & appels

Call For Scores EstOvest Festival 2024

Date limite de candidature : lundi 08 juillet 2024

Associazione EstOvest Festival Torino announces a Call for Scores dedicated to young composers of any nationality born after January 1st, 1989.

The project

The Call for Scores EstOvest Festival 2024 will be focused on a specific combination of elements. The composer who wins will be required to write a piece for violin and electronics. The piece will be performed during the EstOvest Festival 2024-XXIII edition, which will take place in Turin, Italy, from October 18th to December 3rd, 2024. 

The piece aims to be a tribute to Luigi Nono on the centenary of his birth. It is important that the piece demonstrates awareness and affinity with the poetic world of the great Venetian composer. Additionally, the work should draw inspiration from a text (chosen by the composer) of profound social value. However, it is not necessary for this text to be explicitly used in the finished piece.

The duration of the piece composed by the winning candidate has to be between 5 and 7 minutes.


Adrian Pinzaru, violin
Cristina Mercuri, electronics

The international jury

  • Giorgio Colombo Taccani, composer and professor at Conservatorio “G. Verdi” di Torino 
  • Tak Cheung Hui, composer and professor at Hong Kong Metropolitan University
  • Martin Loridan, composer and professor at Conservatorie Royal de Bruxelles
  • Vittorio Montalti, composer and professor at Conservatorio “A. Casella” de L’Aquila
  • Claudio Pasceri, cellist and artistic director of EstOvest Festival 
  • Adrian Pinzaru, violinist and member of Delian Quartett 
  • Gianluca Verlingieri, composer and head of the Dipartimento di Musica Elettronica e Tecnici del Suono of Conservatorio “F. Ghedini” di Cuneo 

How to apply

Composers of any nationality born after January 1st, 1989 are eligible to take part in the Call for Scores 2024.

The candidates are required to submit the following:

  • 2 existing scores of the candidate. The first one has to be for solo violin or for solo string instrument 
  • the second one should consider a significant use of electronics (it’s not required a specific instrumental ensemble)
  • audio recordings or files (if available) relative to the presented scores and further web links if desired 
  • curriculum vitae
  • 2 reference letters about the candidate by teachers and/or well known musicians

The required material has to be sent via e-mail to this address: writing in the object

“NAME SURNAME – Call for Scores EstOvest 2024”. All candidatures will be duly acknowledged.


May 27th, 2024 | announcement
July 8th, 2024 | deadline /closing date
July 15th, 2024 | communication of the results


A registration fee is not required. The winner will not receive any monetary award. EstOvest Festival guarantees  promotional coverage of the composer’s work within the publicity material of the event.