Aides, concours & appels

International composition competition "Vladimir Mendelssohn"

Date limite de candidature : vendredi 15 juillet 2022

AscoliPicenoFestival announces the first edition of the  “Vladimir Mendelssohn International Composition Competition”. The competition aims to stimulate young composers, according to the values that characterized the music and life of Vladimir Mendelssohn (1949-2021), visionary composer, violist, teacher and artistic director. 

The Competition is open to composers of all nationalities. Applicants must have been born after September 12, 1987, and on or before July 31, 2004.

Candidates must submit to the jury a composition for one of the following ensembles: viola solo, viola and violin, viola and cello, string trio (violin, viola and cello) or string quartet (2 violins, viola, cello), lasting between 7 and 12 minutes. The composition must be inspired by one of the many facets of the personality of Vladimir Mendelssohn. For this first edition, the chosen theme is "SENSE OF HUMOR”.  

Candidates who have had didactic relationships, even occasional or in a master class, with one or more members of the jury are not admitted to the competition.