Aides, concours & appels

Pilot Laboratory for Contemporary Music of the Athens State Orchestra

Date limite de candidature : mercredi 10 juillet 2024

August 26– September 5, 2024, Spetses Island, Greece
Composer’s Laboratory with composer Yannis Kyriakides and the Athens State Orchestra.

Composers are invited to submit a piece for 8-16 instruments from the instruments below. The piece should be a new work, never performed.
The work should be finished upon application – deadline for applications is 10.07.2024.
The selection committee will conclude the selection of the participants on 15.07.2024. Successful participants will be contacted via email the following day.
The orchestra/musician parts must be delivered via email by 31.07.2024.

flute, oboe, clarinet (bass clarinet), bassoon, trumpet, horn, trombone, tuba, percussion, piano, harp, 2 violins, viola, cello, contrabass.

Duration: 5 to 7 minutes.

Application is open to all under the age of 40.


  • 10 successful applicants will be offered a total of 120 min. session with the ensemble (incl. conductor).
  • All masterclasses, sessions, and rehearsals are open to all other participants.
  • All works will be performed at the final concert.
  • The Athens State Orchestra will be covering all costs for each participant. That does NOT include accommodation fees, airplane and ferry transportation fees. Kindly note that special prices have been secured for accommodation.
  • The masterclass will be taught in English.
  • There will be video recordings offered to the composers for all sessions plus the general rehearsal and the concert.

Details are available at web pages: